
May 20, 20202 min


Updated: Nov 21, 2020

I'm not going to lie, I'm not great at talking about myself! But hi, I'm Kate, the artist behind Kate Bird Art. I do love creating bird artwork and you'll see that they feature a lot on my social media, but Bird is actually my surname.

I've grown up surrounded by nature, living in The New Forest, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm definitely not a city girl! I love being 5 minutes from the forest, it's healing power is unmatched for me. Taking the dogs out after a stressful day at work is the perfect way to unwind; watching the birds flitting about in the trees; the clouds rolling over vast expanses of heath land, which goes on for miles and miles, it's easy to let your thoughts drift away and leave the real world behind.

I've always loved art and creating things, but was always told "there's no money in art", and not knowing any better I listened to that, and got a 'real' job. But, as much as I wish I'd focused on art from the start, I really wanted to be able to move out and buy my own house. So I am extremely grateful to have my current job and feel so very lucky that my partner, Adam, and I are able to own our own house, because it was far from easy! We both had two jobs, working 7 days a week, daytime and evenings to be able to get the deposit. And who knows if we'd be where we are now if I'd have focused on art, I think probably not, so I have no regrets.

Our house renovations will hopefully be finished this year, so I do feel that now is definitely the right time to start putting my all into my art. It's been 6 years since drawing my first pet portrait, and since then I've just been dipping in and out of art as a hobby. I hope you will all follow along with me on this journey of getting back into art, I'm excited to create coloured pencil drawings again. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube .

I saw a rather fitting quote yesterday "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Earl Nightingale.

Stay safe, Kate
